Expedition Zone


Landscape choir by Strijbos & Van Rijswijk and Marc van Vliet

Solar panels designed by Marc van Vliet transform into a harmonious ensemble in this interactive installation powered by self-generated energy. Strijbos & Van Rijswijk's composition sounds where choral voices and strings merge. Walk among the panels, take a seat and admire the individual singing voices.

The weather is an important co-player in this installation. Where the sun brings the installation to life, dark clouds reduce the sound to a whispered silence.

Soprano Panorama (2021) is one of Strijbos & Van Rijswijk's earlier art projects on Oranjewoud Festival 



Jeroen Strijbos & Rob van Rijswijk - Solar (2024, world premiere)


Concept and composition: Strijbos & Van Rijswijk

Design: Marc van Vliet

Violin: Yvonne van der Pol

Sopranos: Bauwien van der Meer, Linde Schinkel, Mijke Sekhuis, Els Mondelaers, Michaela Riener, Isabelle Storms, Daniella Buijck.

Courtesy of GRUUN sustainable measures


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Oranjewoud Festival is a low-threshold, versatile and stimulating music festival in the fairytale parkland of Oranjewoud near Heerenveen (Friesland) | June 12 to 15, 2025

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