'The girl without hands' is a Grimm brothers' fairy tale in which a poor miller makes a devilish deal, causing his poor daughter to lose her hands. If only that will work out, without hands... An exciting performance! But don't be afraid of too much doom and gloom. There is a happy ending!
They do the
- Daantje Idelenburg, actor More about www.daantjeidelenburg.nl
- Ensemble KLANG More about www.ensembleklang.com
- Saskia Lankhoorn, piano More about www.saskialankhoorn.com
- Pete Harden, guitars More about www.peteharden.com
- Anton van Houten, trombone More about antonvanhouten.co.uk
- Erik-Jan de With, saxophone More about ejdewith.wixsite.com/erik-jan-the-with
- Michiel van Dijk, saxophone
- Joey Marijs, percussion