Family Zone

The Revenge of Lorre

An exciting, wacky story full of parrots, opera music and swirling sounds

13:00 - 13:45 Baba Yaga
13:00 - 13:45 Baba Yaga

Having a pet is nice, but having a beautiful opera-singing parrot as a pet is absolutely fantastic! Jop is over the moon when Lorre comes to live with him and soon he can't live without him. But unfortunately Jop is not the only one who sees something in Lorre: Mr. Panini also wants him so he can earn a lot of money in the big opera halls all over the world. The sneaky Panini pulls the strangest pranks to take Lorre away from Jop, and Jop and his friends will not let that go unanswered...

In this performance you will be dizzy with all the parrots, operatic music and swirling sounds of wind instruments. An exciting, wacky story brought completely to life by narrator Benjamin Murck.

Tosca Menten wrote the book on which this story is based, and the ensemble made a quirky version of it full of theatrical and interactive elements. The children themselves will also be made to sing!

The supporting act will be provided by the one and only KakofonieOrkest.

They do the

Benjamin Murck, narrator

Lotte van Dijck, direction
Nynke Koopmans, scenography

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Oranjewoud Festival is a low-threshold, multifaceted and stimulating music festival in the fairytale parkland of Oranjewoud near Heerenveen (Friesland) | May 30 to June 2, 2024

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