Expedition Zone

Composer Čiurlionis: Piano works

Piano works

10:15 - 12:05 Museum Belvedere
10:15 - 12:05 Museum Belvedere

Due to unforeseen circumstances, today's mini-performance by Rokas Zubovas is cancelled. Instead, Charris Efthimiou will give tours. In the evening, however, Zubovas can be heard during his lecture recital.

More information and tickets

Combine your visit to Čiurlionis' exhibition with a short performance by Lithuanian pianist Rokas Zobovas, the artist's great-grandson. At certain points, his wife Sonata Zubovienė joins him for four-handed playing. In this way, you can hear and see how the worlds of music and painting united in Čiurlionis' brain.  

On Saturday evening, Zubovas, together with Charis Efthimiou, will give one of his renowned lecture recitals at Museum Belvédère and you will dive even deeper into the Lithuanian artist's musical dimension.


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Oranjewoud Festival is a low-threshold, versatile and stimulating music festival in the fairytale parkland of Oranjewoud near Heerenveen (Friesland) | June 12 to 15, 2025

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