
Interview with Yoram Ish-Hurwitz

On Wednesday 26 February we will announce the complete programme for the 2025 edition. In the run-up to this, an interview with Yoram Ish-Hurwitz, founder and artistic director of the festival. About the festival, the upcoming programme and the new passe-partouts.


How is it? Oranjewoud Festival before?

The festival is doing well. We have received a very good assessment from our main subsidizer, the Performing Arts Fund, we have a permanent team, a new business director and the programming for the 2025 edition is complete. In the coming period, our website will get a small update and we will work on presenting our programming as attractively as possible. Because on March 1, the sale of passe-partouts starts.

Passe-partouts? Are they new?

That's right. We conducted an extensive evaluation last fall with the team and input from the public via the public survey, and came to the conclusion that we can offer an even better festival experience if we switch from individual tickets per concert to passes for a whole day or the entire festival.

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There are so many advantages to a passe-partout: you have complete freedom, so you no longer have to make a program for yourself in advance. You make the choices on the day itself. Moreover, you can try out concerts that you might not have bought a ticket for before. In this way, your curiosity can lead to wonderful new discoveries. And access to the Proeftuin & Family Zone , the cozy festival heart is of course included.

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Are there no more individual cards at all?

Yes, yes. Halfway through April, individual tickets will also go on sale for a limited number of concerts on the two largest stages. In this way, we want to ensure that people who like to come to the festival, but just want to visit a concert and enjoy the coziness of the Proeftuin, can continue to do so.

And anyone who enjoys the atmosphere and conviviality can buy a ticket for the Proeftuin & at the festival box office itself Family Zone buy. This gives you access to the festival grounds and everything there is to see and hear all day long.

What can we expect at the upcoming festival?

In any case, the return of the Perfect Sky tent, which we also had in 2022 as a stage for the FB Oranjewoud Pavilion. The Salon Podium will move to a new location at the Klein Jagtlust estate. And we have also found a new location for parking, at Tjaarda's Laan.

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As for the programming, I am very happy that a number of top musicians and ensembles will be playing at the festival again. For example, the opening concert with Salut Salon, but also cello virtuoso Giovanni Sollima, the brilliant pianist Alexander Gavrylyuk and Amsterdam Sinfonietta. The Netherlands' most versatile harpist Remy van Kesteren will be coming to the festival with a band, Boudewijn de Groot will be a guest at De Salon and the brand new winner of the Dutch Music Prize accordionist Vincent van Amsterdam will also be playing. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. We will announce the complete program on February 26, and the sale of the passe-partouts will start on March 1.

Sneak preview program 2025


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Oranjewoud Festival is a low-threshold, versatile and stimulating music festival in the fairytale parkland of Oranjewoud near Heerenveen (Friesland) | June 12 to 15, 2025

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